created by Emily Guernsey and Joshua Stretton

Knotted Threads is a bilingual (English/French) immersive spectacle exploring the world of Shakespeare. Jump into the well-loved story of A Midsummer Night’s Dream where you’ll follow characters you know, and encounter many you wouldn’t expect to be there.

Knotted Threads is a unique theatrical event born from our creative desires to breathe life into his forgotten characters and give agency to those left behind. Our rude Mechanicals are gravediggers, language tutors, and melancholic clowns. Our fairies have a darker side, as they boil toil and trouble, and our abandoned Hippolita is given the new life of the adored and vivacious Rosalind. With elements from Macbeth, As you like It, The Taming of the Shrew and Hamlet threaded through our central story, Knotted Threads is Shakespeare like you’ve never seen before. 

Knotted Threads is a unique theatrical event born from our creative desires to breathe life into forgotten characters and give agency to those left behind.
— Directors Emily & Joshua

Knotted Threads is currently seeking co-producers in production and residency to help bring this ambitious piece to life. The first two years of conception and exploration are ready to move into creation and production. Please contact us for more information!